You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

Joined on 7/26/10

Exp Points:
1,610 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.47 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - April 9th, 2011

Alright everyone, so I figured that there wasn't a point in joining Newgrounds without submitting something so I'm working on a rock band hand-drawn artwork. I have no clue when it will be released, but hopefully about 2 months from now or less it will be released. In the meantime, check out other stuff on Newgrounds while I'm struggling to finish it. I'm halfway done with the sketching now!
EDIT: Those of you wondering where in the world is the Ultimate GamerLucario101 Poster, I decided that it wasn't good enough to be posted on Newgrounds and I'm learning how to draw better artwork. I'm probably going to make an OFFICIAL poster when I've learned enough art. I also think you guys have the right to hate my news posts, because even I think they're strange and different, but I think from now on I'll do more proper posts. Also I've invited two of my best friends to Newgrounds and about 1/4 of my school knows about Newgrounds now. Anyways, keep waiting for the rock band artwork to come out soon.
EDIT EDIT: WHOOT!!! Halfway finished with it now! This might be released sooner than I thought!

Working On Art

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - April 1st, 2011

If you're wondering why I haven't been keeping active on Newgrounds, it's because I'm working on my first flash ever. It will probably be released in a few weeks after I do some finishing touches to it. Oh yeah, and by the way, I forgot to inform you that it's APRIL FOOLS!!! I don't even have a flash creator yet, so don't expect any flashes from me in a long, long time. Meanwhile, I got in second place in the spelling bee and first place in my school soccer tournament. Anyways, I hope you have fun tricking people and yelling APRIL FOOLS at them like I did to you. Keep up the great work on your flashes!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - March 18th, 2011

Hey Everybody! I'm almost a teenager now, so I'd better start playing some video games with more action. In the summer, when I go back to the USA, I'm gonna buy some video games. However, since I'm not a teenager yet, I'll have to do with games rated E10. Here's my wishlist for the summer. I want Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Warioware: Smooth Moves, MySims Agents, Kirby's Epic Yarn, and Ghostbusters: The Video Game for the Nintendo Wii and an extra wii remote. The video game I'm most excited about getting is Ghostbusters: The Video Game, because it's the only survival-horror game for my rating. Also, the seven bosses look creativly fun to battle (Chef Sargossa, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, The Grey Lady, Black Slime T-Rex, Spider Witch Black Slime Behemoth, and Ivo Shander). The levels seem pretty cool as well and I like shooting games. This seems like the perfect game for me. Anybody else have some great games rated E10 or T?

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - March 13th, 2011

So, I just finished reading the first four Harry Potter books and I decided to take some quizzes to find which Harry Potter character I am and I found out I was Hermione. I was sure there might've been a mistake so I took another quiz and it turns out I was most like Hermione as well. So, I took another stack of quizzes and ALL of them said I was Hermione. Even though Hermione is my favorite character in Harry Potter, because without her Harry and Ron couldn't get through any of their quests alive, that doesn't mean I want to BE Hermione. I imagine everyone at school teasing me when I get back tomorrow.

Which Harry Potter Character Am I?

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - March 6th, 2011

Yes!!! I finally reached my goal of 20,000 medal points! Here are some people I wanna thank: MarcyVF, CartoonWarStudios, BanglaBoy96, HadoukenDude, 53xy83457, HeRitiK, Kevin, GazSmithGames, AustinBreed, Zeebarf, jmtb02, belugerin, Stamper, Oldsage10, EJR, MikeyS9607, JackSmack, Duderuud, person333, matt-likes-swords, GPstudios, keybol, BarfQuestion, tomdeaap, apit2010, BoMToons, EON, The-Swain, ThomSip, SilverStitch, ugolegend94, Legodude2000, EdibleCastle, fortunacus, Sakupen, PaperBat, AfroNinja, wynand, Mockery, Rete, Avaloid-n-JoyBits, Badim, PrettyMuchBryce, pacdude, LorenzGames, artlogicgames, SadLittleEgg, 14hourlunchbreak, PuffBallsUnited, molkman, Psycosis91, Coolio-Niato, ForNoReason, mothballs, makopudding, eewgames, The-Super-Flash-Bros, YoinK, EcoPipe, Skeik-Sprite, scottmale24, Lochie, The-EXP, Pickilow, JAZZA, AfroNinja, kevilresol, bcdefg123, Flashsoldier, Wiesi, ShadowML-Productions, Rowkilla, CanadianJeff, Ninjadoodle, Nicholas-Deary, NegativeONE, jirachi99, JKAmovies, OzMafioso, EntropicOrder, ThinXII, TomFulp, Rooble, Luis, EpicShadow, Evil-Dog, BanglaGirl100, JackSmack, OneEgg, knarrenheinz, IndigenousDigitalist, gameonade, Eggy, CommanderWalrus, cobra0258, gamezhero, luka, Manly-Chicken, Foreverkul, RubberNinja, dessgeega
Thank you all and I will continue earning medals as well as reviewing flashes and audio. I have reviewed 100 flashes and 10 audio now!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - March 4th, 2011

Hello everybody! Well, it's almost Sport and Activity Day at our school and I decided to name the top 30 best flash authors on Newgrounds according to me. In thirtiest place is OzMafioso whose most popular flash is Orchestrated Death. In twenty-ninth place is Knowe386 whose most popular flash is Slow Motion (Game). In twenty-eighth place is JosephAS1 whose most popular flash is Luigi's Castle Calamity. In twenty-seventh place is Sakupen whose most popular flash is Dadgame. In twenty-sixth place is SamBakZa whose most popular flash is There She Is!! final step. In twenty-fifth place is PuffballsUnited whose most popular flash is Escaping the Prison. In twenty-fourth place is luka whose most popular flash is The Company of Myself. In twenty-third place is jameslee03 whose most popular flash is Tarboy. In twenty-second place is Wiesi whose most popular flashes are Miami Shark and Sydney Shark. In twenty-first place is Eggy whose most popular flash is The Unfair Platformer. In twentiest place is EON whose most popular flash is Chaos Faction 2. In nineteenth place is jmtb02 whose most popular flash is This is the Only Level. In eighteenth place is Explosm whose most popular flash is Waiting for the Bus! In seventeenth place is UnrealCanine whose most popular flash is One More Brawl Taunts. In sixteenth place is Mockery whose most popular flash is Kill Old Man from Zelda!! In fifteenth place is thewax70 whose most popular flash is Sonic Shorts: Volume 6. In fourteenth place is Ninjadoodle whose most popular flash is NerveJangla. In thirteenth place is Alvin-Earthworm whose most popular flash is Super Mario Bros Z Episode 8. In twelfth place is Splapp-Me-Do whose most popular flash is The Impossible Quiz. In eleventh place is TomFulp whose most popular flash is Madness Accelerant. Now it's time for the final ten best flash authors! In tenth place is matt-likes-swords whose most popular flashes are Epic Battle Fantasy 2 and Epic Battle Fantasy 3. In ninth place is captainmcross whose most popular flash is Pencilmation #?. In eighth place is HotDiggedyDemon whose most popular flash is The Northern Incident. In seventh place is 53xy83457 whose most popular flash is Quickdraw GUN.5. In sixth place is ThinXIII whose most popular flash is Paranormal Shark Attack. Now for the final five best flash authors! In fifth place is The-Swain whose most popular flash is Alice is Dead- Ep 3. In fourth place is BarfQuestion whose most popular flash is The Faster the Treadmill. In third place is MikeyS9607 whose most popular flash is Tail's Revenge. In second place is Bigfoot3290 whose most popular flash is Mario's Castle Calamity 2. In first place is BanglaBoy96 whose most popular flash is Button Game 1. Congratulations to all winners and I cannot wait to see what other amazing flashes you have up your sleeve!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - March 3rd, 2011

Well, I'm starting to read the Harry Potter books since this is Literacy Week at our school and we need to read 100 books by the end of March, so I'd better get going. I started playing Seed of Destruction and it takes forever to beat one level and unfortunately, I don't have forever. I gave Epic War 4 a nice and long review and rated it 10. I listened to a lot of Hania Lee's music and that's pretty much it. Tomorrow I'm going to start Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, because the first two books were good. Anyways, my computer time is almost over, so see you around Newgrounds! Can someone give me some really addicting medal games, because I need about 500 more points to reach my goal of 20,000 medal points! I'm sure I'll make a huge post once I achieve my goal.

Recent News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 26th, 2011

Well, I'm planning on releasing the 2011 Battle for the Ultimate Flash AND Audio on July, so that's just 4 more months to go! Anyways, here are the flashes I reviewed and their scores.
Epic Battle Fantasy 3 (Score: 10)
Tarboy (Score: 10)
:the composer: (Score: 10)
Jerry: The End (Score: 10)
Tron Guy Legacy (Score: 8)
asdfmovie3 (Score: 10)
The Man Who Could Sit... (Score: 10)
Cute Explosion (Score: 10)
Paranormal Shark Attack (Score: 10)
School Wars (Strategy) (Score: 6)
The Underrated Art Collab (Score: 10)
So, basically almost all the flashes I reviewed in February will show up in the final competition except Tron Guy Legacy and School Wars (Strategy). In case you guys didn't know, the competition is not based on the year the flash was created, it was when I reviewed in. Anyways, here are the audio I reviewed.
-AeF- Pacman Remix (Score: 8)
One Winged 8-Bit Angel (Score: 10)
I couldn't review a whole lot of flashes because my headphones broke and I had to buy a new one. So, only One Winged 8-Bit Angel will make it to the competition. See you in the next updates news posts.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 25th, 2011

Anyways, I'm wasting most my computer time on Epic War 3 and 4 to earn the medals. I almost have 20,000 medal points! Also, the sound on my computer doesn't work anymore, so I cannot listen to audio or basically anything. Newgrounds is growing more and more popular at my school. My music teacher allowed us to watch "The Composer" when we had free time and now I'm on an assignment to choose any song I enjoy and tell why I liked it and what was the purpose of the song in Language Arts class and I chose There She Is Final Step- Imagine's "Brunch 'Imagine'" Well, I hope you guys create some more awesome games for me to review, because I need more medals!

Newgrounds Updates Report

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 20th, 2011

Today, I just got some new, blue glasses!!! Now my right eye is 625 degrees and my left eye is 675 degrees. Dang, I really need to stop reading chapter books and going on Newgrounds! Anyways, today I went to Church, then went to the arcade and won Deadstorm Pirates AGAIN. I also got a haircut to get ready for the school talent show and I watched Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treador which was a nice, adventurous movie. Plus I also finished reading The Lost Hero which was a wicked cool book. Anyways, if you think I'm not going on Newgrounds much, I am. I'm just barely doing news posts and I can't find some good games with medals. I AM reviewing to prepare for the Battle for the Champion Flash. If you don't know what that is flip through my news posts and you'll find it. I'm reviewing an extra amount of flashes and audio to keep you guys entertained. Anyways, see you around Newgrounds!
EDIT: YAY!!! Now I'm Level 8 on Newgrounds! Can't wait to level up some more!