Hello Newgrounds Members! By now, you're probably wondering who is this person who just gave my flash an awesome compliment? For Christmas, I'll introduce myself a little. If you find typing lucariopokemonsonic over and over again annoying, you may call me GamerLucario101 or Lucario. I am 10 years old and I don't know how to make flashes, but I fancy in collecting Newgrounds medals and reviewing flashes. My favorite flash author on Newgrounds used to be Splapp-Me-Do, but this month, 53xy83457 beat the number of greatest flashes made by Splapp by three! I live in Shenzhen, China, but I used to live in the USA. I also have an account on GaiaOnline and I used to play it all day long until I found Newgrounds. I came to Newgrounds because I wanted to find another website where you can type stuff in the forums. However, I realized that most of the users on Newgrounds aren't exactly Mr. Nice Guy. I love learning about the history of Newgrounds and I find myself grinning to movies like There she is!!! or Blockhead. The game I hate the most on Newgrounds is Gretel and Hansel part 2. I enjoyed playing the first one, but in the second, when you suffer the stickman's wrath, I got scared half to death. I love drawing cartoons. One time, I made a comix series that was popular all over the school! Another time, I made an Impossible Quiz Tribute on paper which also spread through the school. I'm trying to aim for the top medal users of all time on Newgrounds. Anyways, I wish all you Newground fans a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Feel free to check out my favorite flash authors, read my reviews, or check my medals. Peace Out!