You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

Joined on 7/26/10

Exp Points:
1,610 / 1,880
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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - December 30th, 2010

Hurray!!! I finally figured out how to post images for my profile and user icon! Now you finally have a picture to look at when checking out my profile! For my user icon, I posted an image of Sonic the Hedgehog (My Favorite Video Game Character) on my user icon and an image of Lucario (My Favorite Pokemon) on my profile image! Anyways, see you guys around! Oh yeah, and I figured out how to include a picture with my news posts, so here it is! It's a picture of Newgrounds' characters! I hope you enjoy it! Whoops I almost forgot! And I Wish You All A Very Merry Christmas!

New User Icon and Proflie Images!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - December 30th, 2010

Here are the twelve finalists for the best flash of 2010. I hope you like my choices:
1. The Impossible Quiz By: Splapp-Me-Do
2. Pico's School By: TomFulp
3. the classroom By: luka
4. Button Game Halloween By: BanglaBoy96
5. The Unfair Platformer By: Eggy
6. Underdog!! By: UnrealCanine
7. The Beast: MDM By; 53xy83457
8. Colour My Fate By: SilverStitch
9. K.O.L.M. By: The- EXP
10. Sonic Shorts: Volume 5 By: thewax70
11. Blockhead: Episode 1 By: The-Swain
12. There She Is!! final step By: SamBakZa
I've also noticed how nobody is commenting on these, so I probably won't do this next year. Anyways, I hope your favorite flash is the champion!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - December 28th, 2010

I've done some thinking and I decided more than half of the flashes I submitted I didn't enjoy as much as the others, so I eliminated some and now there are only 21 nominees. Please don't be upset if your choice didn't make it.
1. The Impossible Quiz By: Splapp-Me-Do
2. Sonic Shorts: Volume 5 By: thewax70
3. The Impossible Quiz 2 By: Splapp-Me-Do
4. Pico's School By: TomFulp
5. the classroom By: luka
6. Project EDDIE By: TomFulp
7. Domo-Kun Angry Smashfest By: Mockery
8. Button Game Halloween By: BanglaBoy96
9. Button Game: Tales By: BanglaBoy96
10. Fern-Splapp Eliminator By: MikeyS9607
11. Blockhead: Episode 1 By: The-Swain
12. The Unfair Platformer By: Eggy
13. Run Run Shoot By: Eggy
14. Underdog!! By: UnrealCanine
15. NewGrounds Fan Quiz By: RickyTafolla
16. NG Tank Awards 2009 By: ugolegend94
17. The Beast: MDM By: 53xy83457
18. Colour My Fate By: SilverStitch
19. There She Is!! final step By: SamBakZa
20. Quickdraw: Xmas Special By: 53xy83457
21. K.O.L.M. By: The-EXP
Please post your favorite flashes in your comments!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - December 27th, 2010

Hey there everyone! This was my first year on Newgrounds and I decided to choose the best flash ever that I've watched this year. This year, I played a bunch of games and watched a lot of movies, but out of that I only reviewed 71 of them. However, out of that, only 48 of them got 10 as my rating. These 48 will compete while I decide which flash is the best I've watched/played this year! These are the nominees for best flash of 2010 (Remember this is my first year, because many of these were created earlier than 2010):
1. Super Mario bros Z ep.8 By: Alvin-Earthworm
2. The Impossible Quiz By: Splapp-Me-Do
3. Sonic Shorts: Volume 5 By: thewax70
4. A New Breed of Hero By: Splapp-Me-Do
5. The Ignorance Quiz By: UnrealCanine
6. The Impossible Quiz 2 By: Splapp-Me-Do
7. Programming God By: Wiesi
8. Turtlerun By: Wiesi
9. Photo King By: Wiesi
10. SOF Supernova 2035 DS By: Wiesi
11. Tornado Button Smashing By: Wiesi
12. Aggressive Apline Skiing By: Wiesi
13. PIco's School By: TomFulp
14. Boring Game By: belugerin
15. Photogrounds By: nathanielmilburn
16. Dadgame By: Sakupen
17. the classroom By: luka
18. Project EDDIE By: TomFulp
19. Domo-Kun Angry Smashfest By: Mockery
20. The Room Tribute By: TomFulp
21. Happy Fucking Birthday By: scottmale24
22. Streets of Fire By: Wiesi
23. Button Game Halloween By: BanglaBoy96
24. Flowerman By: MikeyS9607
25. Button Game: Tales By: BanglaBoy96
26. Pee Man-The Game By: TomFulp
27. Dad 'n Me By: DanPaladin
28. Escape Pico's Mansion By: 14hourlunchbreak
29. Run Elephant Run By: jmtb02
30. Obey! The Game By: jmtb02
31. Fern-Splapp Eliminator By: MikeyS9607
32. Button Game Seasons By: BanglaBoy96
33. Blockhead: Episode 1 By: The-Swain
34. Escaping the Prison By: PuffballsUnited
35. RPS-25 By: Dave
36. Resident Pico By: TomFulp
37. Pico's Cousin 2 By: Magna
38. Blockhead-Dress up game By: plant-eating-cat
39. The Unfair Platformer By: Eggy
40. Run Run Shoot By: Eggy
41. Underdog!! By: UnrealCanine
42. NewGrounds Fan Quiz By: RickyTafolla
43. NG Tank Awards 2009 By: ugolegend94
44. The Beast: MDM By: 53xy83457
45. Colour My Fate By: SilverStitch
46. There She Is!! final step By: SamBakZa
47. Quickdraw: Xmas Special By: 53xy83457
48. K.O.L.M. By: The-EXP
I'll tell you the winner in a few weeks. Meanwhile, check out the games you haven't played in the list to choose your own sides. Tell the ones you hope to win in your comments, please!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - December 25th, 2010

Hello Newgrounds Members! By now, you're probably wondering who is this person who just gave my flash an awesome compliment? For Christmas, I'll introduce myself a little. If you find typing lucariopokemonsonic over and over again annoying, you may call me GamerLucario101 or Lucario. I am 10 years old and I don't know how to make flashes, but I fancy in collecting Newgrounds medals and reviewing flashes. My favorite flash author on Newgrounds used to be Splapp-Me-Do, but this month, 53xy83457 beat the number of greatest flashes made by Splapp by three! I live in Shenzhen, China, but I used to live in the USA. I also have an account on GaiaOnline and I used to play it all day long until I found Newgrounds. I came to Newgrounds because I wanted to find another website where you can type stuff in the forums. However, I realized that most of the users on Newgrounds aren't exactly Mr. Nice Guy. I love learning about the history of Newgrounds and I find myself grinning to movies like There she is!!! or Blockhead. The game I hate the most on Newgrounds is Gretel and Hansel part 2. I enjoyed playing the first one, but in the second, when you suffer the stickman's wrath, I got scared half to death. I love drawing cartoons. One time, I made a comix series that was popular all over the school! Another time, I made an Impossible Quiz Tribute on paper which also spread through the school. I'm trying to aim for the top medal users of all time on Newgrounds. Anyways, I wish all you Newground fans a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Feel free to check out my favorite flash authors, read my reviews, or check my medals. Peace Out!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - November 18th, 2010

Last Night, I had a strange dream. This is what it was about:
Blockhead ends up coming to my home and he somehow switches bodies with me. Everyone thinks that I am the idiot and I ended up getting frustrated and saying that I could prove I wasn't Blockhead. I ripped my shirt off only to discover another Blockhead shirt underneath. Everyone was totally convinced that I was Blockhead until I told them we'd play a game. In the game, you had to jump from stepping stone to stepping stone on a big puddle. I ended up going around on the stones, but the real Blockhead in my body went inside the puddle to walk to the other side, figuring that was an easier way. Bad choice (which he should've had because he's an idiot). Everyone knew that I hated getting wet, so they were absolutely sure the person in my body wasn't the real me. Then, after we threw a party, I realized that we still hadn't changed our bodies. Blockhead must've realized that too, because we both started arguing about who was who again, but then (in the actual world) my hand hit the metal bar on my bed and it made a loud DING sound and I was awakened.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - November 10th, 2010

My story begins one morning when I woke up way too early before school. I decided to draw something I found on the Internet while waiting to go to school. Since Splapp-Me-Do is my favorite flash author on Newgrounds, I decided to draw some of his characters. The starting drawings were nothing, really, and there were only four character drawings (Frank, Mars, Badly Drawn Dawg, and Chris). I showed them to my homeroom teacher and she said the drawings were amazing. All my classmates also liked my drawings and I inspired two of my classmates to draw Splapp's characters, too! This inspired me to draw even more characters. Four changed to fifty characters and many of the people at school knew about my drawings including my Music teacher. We were practicing for a Christmas Program when one day, our Music teacher lost his voice for a day and told us instead of singing today, we would draw a poster for the Christmas Program and write a poem about the character in the poster. My music teacher told me I could choose one of my fifty characters to be the Christmas Program's MAIN CHARACTER!!! It was pretty hard for me to choose but I ended up choosing FRANK!!! Frank is now my school's Christmas Program's MAIN CHARACTER!!! Hurray for Frank!!!