You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

Joined on 7/26/10

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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - August 25th, 2011

I'm back from summer vacation and just in time for school too. Since this is going to be my first Madness Day celebration, I'm trying my hardest to make a madness poster. This one isn't gonna be one of those lame, random pieces of crap I usually draw. This is going to be my best work by far. I only got less than a month to finish it though. Currently, I finished sketching Jebus, The Auditor, and The Sheriff. I'm thinking about deleting the sheriff, since he's not as cool as the other characters. I might even put the hot dog vendor in the background. Please tell me if you have ideas and I will not accept requests for inappropriate nonsense. So, anyways, on a completely unrelated subject, I got Just Dance 2 and it is awesome. Seriously, I suck at dancing and it never was an interest of mine until I got this game. Also, I currently got 30,000 medal points! I'm shooting for 50,000, though I probably won't reach it. So, how'd your guys' summers go?

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - June 18th, 2011

I'm done with the rock band, racing, and secret artwork! However, I won't be able to upload them until around August. Sorry for keeping you waiting super long! Here are the six artwork I originally wanted to submit to Newgrounds:
1. Wacky Bunny War (This was basically an angel and devil bunny battling each other. However, nothing about it was original. The angel bunny was created by one of my classmates and the devil bunny was made by my friend. The cupid I got off the internet, the ghost I got from looking at another artists work, and pretty much everything else my teacher drew for me. After finishing it, I decided it was way too unoriginal, so I won't submit it to Newgrounds.)
2. The Unworthy Hero (This was supposed to be a four-page comic strip. However, once again, it was not original. Probably an improvement from the first artwork, but still unoriginal. Also, it wasn't the slightest amusing. I got so frustrated by this art, that I never finished it and I never will finish it.)
3. Who's Ready To Rock!? (The first artwork I decided to submit. It was basically me, my girlfriend, and another kid in random "rock clothes" with a guitar, microphone, and keys. Although it had tons of faults, I'm going to submit it due to originality and more work put into it.)
4. The Race Around The World (This art is four popular Newgrounds characters whom are Snowball, Hank, Strawberry Clock, and Blockhead in a race. There are less faults in this one and better ideas than the rock band art, so I decided I'd submit this as well.
5. One Dark and Stormy Night (This is the secret art. No hints on what it's about.)
6. 3-D Skateboarding in the Clouds (This was basically a 3-D work of art. The reason I decided not to submit it? I thought it would be too hard to understand since the skateboard has to block 1/3 of the art no matter where you put it AND without motion it just looks boring and dull.)

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - June 13th, 2011

Guess what everyone! I might be able to get an Xbox 360 for my birthday (Which was a month ago). I'm getting my birthday present so late, because I live in China and there's nothing good to buy around here. Might as well wait to I get back to the states. Here are a couple reasons I want an X-Box 360: First of all, NOBODY at my school has a 360, so I might as well get one to earn some popularity points. Next, I only have a Nintendo Wii and it SUCKS! Seriously, if you want to get a good gaming console, don't even think about the wii. It only has dumb sport games and non-realistic features, such as in Ghostbusters: The Video Game, the characters look like cartoons which really doesn't match how serius the game is. The only ones that actually are a bit of fun are Mario games and Brawl, of course. However, Brawl gets boring right after you play it for a couple months and I find it stupid to always play Mario games when I want to play my Wii. Plus, I've noticed the addicting, cool games are almost always released on the X-Box 360. I really want to go up a notch to become a REAL gamer instead of playing babyish games on a console with a stupid interactive controller. So, that's why I want a 360. If you have some games you reccommend for teenagers on the 360, please post them here. Thanks!

I'm Getting An X-Box 360

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - June 1st, 2011

Well, so I tallied the times each Newgrounds character appeared in the entries for the Newgrounds Calender Collab 2011, and I came up with the top 20 most popular characters by tallying up the times they've made an appearance. The first place award obviously goes to Pico, right? Nope, Pico's not even in second place! In first place is Tankmen with 42 appearances. In second place is Alien Hominid with 33 appearances. In third place is a tie between Dad n' Me and Pico, both with 27 appearances. In fifth place, the last of the final five, is Hank J. Wimbleton with 15 appearances. In sixth place is the Castle Crashers with 14 appearances. In seventh place is a tie between Bitey and Salad Fingers, both with 9 appearances. In ninth place is a threeway tie between Strawberry Clock, Nene, and Angry Faic, all with eight appearances. In twelfth place is a fourway tie between Darnell, Larry, Turtle (Toss the Turtle), and Meatboy, all with seven appearances. In sixteenth place is a tie between P-Bot and Satan (Leo and Satan), both with six appearances. And now, in eighteenth place with five points each are Blockhead, Dad (Sakupen), and Tricky (Madness)! It's interesting how Tricky made it into the final 20 most popular characters since he isn't as popular as hundreds of other characters, but facts are facts.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - May 30th, 2011

I'm so tired from all that work! I can't wait for the summer to go back to California and meet my girlfriend! Also, in a few more days, it's going to be Robot Day! I'm currently working on a work of art with a few aliens, the UFO with octopus arms sticking out by Wiesi, Convict, and two fighters who are based off Deimos and Sanford from the Madness series. This is my third piece of art. I'm thinking on submitting all three of them a little just before school starts again. In the meantime, I hope you guys have a wonderful Robot Day, since I possibly won't be here when it begins.

School's Almost Out!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - May 16th, 2011

Alright, so, me and this other kid called Victor had to create a children's picture book. We were doing well, until we came to the text. Apparently, Victor had finished typing our story and had saved it in his email, so all we had to do was get on his email and print it and we were finished. So, we decided to use our teacher's computer. We went to Yahoo.com and it said "Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage," so we had to walk all the way to the computer lab which is as far as one end of a swimming pool to another. When we finally got there, we got on a computer and it did have access to Yahoo, but when we tryed opening the new message, it wouldn't load. So, we had to change to another computer. We finally could access the email and so we printed it and... nothing came out of the printer. I pressed print again, nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Then, Victor realized we might need more paper in the printer. So, we spent some time trying to find the paper for the printer. After putting some more paper in the printer, I tryed printing again, nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. I was convinced that this printer wasn't working so we changed to the only other printer... and it apparently had no ink. So, we switched back to the first printer. I pressed print, nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Then I decided to print three copies at once... and three papers came out of the printer. Victor and I were so excited that we danced and danced... until I read the papers. It turns out that the papers were 9 year old worksheets, not our story. Then, Victor made a smart remark. "Oh yeah, I think I remember that this computer can't print!" I was really frustrated and there were only 10 minutes left before class ended. We switched computers only to find out that Victor forgot his password. So, we had to switch computers AGAIN to another one that had Victor's email logged in. When we clicked on our story, a message popped up asking if I wanted to use Microsoft Word or Wordpad. I clicked Microsoft Word and nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. Again... nothing happened. So, then we tryed Wordpad and it worked. So, we printed, but when the story came out, Victor made another smart remark. "The font size is too small!" By now, I wanted to wring someone's neck, but I made the font size bigger, printed and we were finished! All we had to do now was copy and paste it to our book. However, our teacher interrupted my thinking and told us,"Classtime is over!" So, basically, we spent 40 minutes trying to find out how we can print our story. Remind me never to try to print another story anytime sooner.

Printer Madness

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - May 7th, 2011

Yeah, I'm still working on art. I still haven't submitted my first one yet, but I hope I will soon. In the meantime, I'm working on a Newgrounds Fan Art where four popular newgrounds characters duke it out in a racing contest. The four Newgrounds Characters are Hank, Snowball, Strawberry Clock, and Blockhead. It's nothing too special, so don't get overexcited. I can't wait to actually submit some of my art.
EDIT: Happy Birthday to Me!!! I'm 11 years old now and on my birthday, I just got level 11. I've also gotten some medals from Reimagine: The Game. WHOOT!!! I'm almost a teenager now! Anyways, still gonna work on more art. See ya around!
EDIT EDIT: OMG!!! Only need to finish coloring in a part of the road and I'm finished with the racing art. I can't wait to submit it!

Working on More Art

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - May 3rd, 2011

It's only a few more days 'till my birthday, so, since most of you guys barely know me, I'm gonna say a bit more about myself.
Question: How did you discover Newgrounds?
Answer: I kind of discovered it by accident. I usually like playing a lot of games like Battle Fish, The Impossible Quiz, and Sydney Shark, but I always end up forgetting the website they're on. I researched a bit and discovered these three games, and most of my other favorite ones, were on Newgrounds I figured I'd give it a shot, but I didn't join Newgrounds until I got bored going on Clubpenguin and GaiaOnline and all that.
Question: What was your first opinion about Newgrounds?
Answer: Well, I thought it was pretty cool and fun, because there was all the fun flashes, but I remember I was pretty annoyed on how most of the users were pretty cruel (or stupid, if you ask me).
Question: What was your first medal achieved on Newgrounds?
Answer: The first game I've gotten medals on Newgrounds is Sydney Shark. I remember I was pretty confused on what a medal was, until I learned more about Newgrounds.
Question: What is your most favorite thing to do on Newgrounds?
Answer: I really enjoy collecting medals. I don't care what kind they are, I just keep playing 'till I get most of the medals in the game, then I leave and decide to play another game or I finish the game.
Yeah, so these are the basic facts about me. If you want to find out more, feel free to post it in the comments or PM me. Happy Pico Day everybody!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - April 26th, 2011

Well, I really enjoyed the Newgrounds Tank Awards nominees and here are some of my predictions. Epic Battle Fantasy 3 has 90% possibility in winning and Larry and the Gnomes has 10% possiblity. WHY? Because they both have tons of adventure, fighting, and humor, with a great storyline BUT EPF3 is longer and has more strategies. The movie award has a possibility in going to Bear Bear or Katan, but Larry and Neenja were pretty awesome too. Today, I just opened Newgrounds and the awesome shiny new border just caught my eye and I gasped because I thought they released the winners earlier. Turns out they didn't yet. Talk about dissapointment. Ah well. I'm gonna play some Journey's of Reemus to pass the time. See ya!
EDIT: OMGZ!!! Only one more day until they announce the winners! I cannot wait for the winners to be announced! I'm stickking with my predictions still, but I think I might be wrong in the movie category, because I am not a huge movie fan on Newgrounds and sometimes the movies the voters pick don't deserve it. Like for instance, the fact that Chuck's New Tux beat There She Is!! in the 2008 awards. Anyways, I'm basically doing this edit because I have no idea what time/day it is in America (In case you don't know I live in China) and I want to find outhow many more hours until the announcement release. I'm SO excited!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - April 23rd, 2011

That's right everyone! I'm finished with the rockband artowork, BUT I haven't uploaded it yet. Why? Because it still needs to be fixed a little with a few minor adjustments AND because I'm going on vacation next week and I can imagine all the complaints that you guys will have that I can't reply to. In the meantime, I'm working on going back and earning the medals I still haven't achieved yet from games like Pico's School and Larry and the Gnomes. Anyways, I'll try to upload it as soon as possible. Please be patient and keep in mind it's not gonna be very good, because it is my first artwork submittion. Oh man I'm SO excited to release it!
P.S. China is SO annoying! They're banning Gmail and Google from the web just like they did to Youtube! Now I can barely ever get onto my email and I have tons of homework I need to reply to! YIKES!