You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

Joined on 7/26/10

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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 14th, 2011

Today, when I went back to school, I fell in love with a girl in my class. I never ever thought of loving her before, although she was my friend. She was just a bit annoying sometimes. Well, I ended up creating a Valentine's Day card for her in 9th Period. Dang Cupid! Stop making me fall in love with every girl with names starting with the letter J! It's annoying, for one thing, and then when I move somewhere else, I miss them like crazy. She has a really big sense of humour and she is a master magician. I can tell she likes being around me, because every once in a while, the other boys start teasing that she is holding my hand or something else really "romantic." Cupid possibly just shot me with his bow when I was sleeping or something. Anyways, can't wait to meet her tomorrow.

OMG!!! Cupid Stop Making Me Fall In Love!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 12th, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!! I'm usually watching the movies that were nomineed in the Newgrounds Tank Awards that are for teens or everyone. I reviewed Tron Guy Legacy and asdfmovie3, which both got voted as useless. Then, I found out about C&H and started watching the series. I just bought the Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treador CD. My girlfriend finally replyed to the email I sent her for her birthday. She also told me her phone number! YES!!! So, anyways, February is going well for me. The talent show is next week and I better get prepared. Nah, I never study for anything, not even end-of-the-year tests. I'm sure I'll do just fine. I finished reading The Red Pyramid and I'm 40% done with The Lost Hero. My friends and I created a new game called Ball Brawl which is very addicting. Anyways, so, how's February going for you guys?

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 7th, 2011

You've might've wondered by now, why did I join Newgrounds at all when I don't know how to make audio, flash, or art? Well, here's a little of my history. Anyways, the only reason I knew Newgrounds existed at all was thanks to Splapp-Me-Do. In the beginning, I knew absoltuely nothing about Newgrounds. Then, one of my friends introduced me to The Impossible Quiz. That time, I'd played it on Not-Doppler. Then, I forgot the website and went on google in search for it. The first website on the page was Newgrounds. Then, slowly, I got bored with GaiaOnline and started going back to Newgrounds. I created an account and played ALL of Splapp-Me-Do's flashes. Then, I found BanglaBoy96 and MikeyS9607, because I saw a medal on Splapp's medal page for Button Game Halloween. It sounded pretty cool, so I found out about them both. I found matt-likes-swords because I was looking at the Newgrounds Tank Awards 2009 page and found Epic Battle Fantasy 2. I started Newgrounds on July 2010. I found out how to review flashes, so the first game I reviewed was Super Mario Crossover. Then, I reviewed three other familar flashes which were Super Mario bros ep. 8 which I found out on Youtube, Sonic RPG, and The Impossible Quiz. For some reason, I quit Newgrounds for August, then came back again. I think it was because I was tired of using the Internet and decided to take a break. My friend introduced me to Sydney Shark which made me find Wiesi. Then, I learned how to review audio. Well, now it is February 2011 and it has been a great half year. I also invited a friend. Check out his profile page! His username is wjsean. Also, when I started Newgrounds, I wanted to find a website that had forums. I posted in them but most users don't approve that my posts are useful, which proves my theory that many people on Newgrounds aren't very kind. I started making news posts in November. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or comment on this news post.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 5th, 2011

Hello Everyone. Today, I went to this other friend of my grandparents' house and they have at least 20 toy swords. Also, I got about 20 red envelopes for Chinese New Year and they have a total of 540 dollars! I really don't have a whole lot to say about Pig Sea today, so I'll just end this with posting a picture. ENJOY!!!

Hey There Guys! I'm in PigSea pt. 2!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 5th, 2011

Yeah. I know I said today I would've started playing more games, but then my family decided to go to this other place in China called ZhuHai or ,translated into English, Pig Sea. When I come back I'll probably start school, so I won't have a lot of time. Anyways, yesterday, we went to this other friend of my grandparents' and luckily they had a wii although the only game they have is The New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. We got to the World 1 second castle, but everyone kept dieing, so we could'nt pass that. Then, we ate a Burger King meal together. Next, I went to a bookstore and I bought the two new Rick Riordan books. The Red Pyramid and The Lost Hero. I just started on the Red Pyramid and finished 14 chapters so far. Then, we went home. This morning, before we left, I went online, but the Internet Connection was broken so I could'nt go on Newgrounds. I'm writing this at another one of my Grandparent's friends house. Luckily, they have Adobe Flash Reader so I can play games now. Anyways, Winter Break is almost over and I have to waste it meeting people I barely knew. Oh well, the entertainment is actually pretty good here. See you guys soon!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 3rd, 2011

My family went to Hong Kong today because at 8:00PM there is a firework display celebrating Chinese New Year. I'm writing this in my grandpa's friend's home. I'm allowed to go on Newgrounds but there isn't Adobe Flash Reader, so I cannot watch flashes or even listen to audio. All I can do is post in the forums and write News Posts. Anyways, I have to hold off my flash reviewing until tommorow because I'm gonna reach home by 11:00PM which is past my original bedtime. See ya guys tommorow!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 3rd, 2011

That's right! Chinese New Year is finally here! Last night, my family and I went downstairs and played with fireworks! The first ones we set off were these awesome ones that, when lit, spin around in circles at supersonic speed creating a green light. We set off about 20 of those ones. Then, we lit a big firework that gives off real fireworks like in the one where you see in the sky during special celebrations. We only had one of those, but it was super awesome. It makes fireworks everywhere for about 5 minutes. Then, we had these fireworks that make an exploding sound once you throw it on the ground. We used up about 30 of those. It was such a wonderful night. Happy Chinese Year to everyone!

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 2nd, 2011

Wow! I guess I'm a real gamer now, because I'm beating extreme games on Newgrounds. I guess part of the reason I'm winning so many games is because I never give up unlike most other users. So, now I beat the first three games for Epic Battle Fantasy! The first one was hard, the second one was super hard, and the third one was almost impossible. The final bosses were really tough. It took me at least 25 times until I finally beat them except for EBF3. I beat the final boss in EBF3 on my first try. Man, I cannot wait for more awesome, challenging games in the future. Anyone have any good games that are challenging and addicting? Check out my medals page to peek at my medals! I currently have about 18,000 medal points. Almost halfway to my personal goal which is 40,000 medal points. However, I think my goal is nearly impossible, so I guess I'll just settle for 20,00 points. If only the zero point medals I've recieved had points. Then, I'd probably get to my goal a bit quicker. Anyways, I'm gonna search around for more awesome games. Also, this is my 20th News Post! Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 1st, 2011

Today, I went to the arcade and they added in an awesome, new game called "Deadstorm Pirates." It's super cool and here's why. It's not just a boring old shooting game. You go inside this machine designed like a ship and whenever your boat or you is shaking, the boat will shake as well. That's not all. There's also a wheel in the middle. If you're playing two player mode, you must choose whom will take the wheel when the signal appears. The wheel allows you to control you or you ship. Also, if you need to stop in the middle of the game, there is a Stop Movement button. The first level is basically the pirates raiding a skeleton pirate ship. Your mission is to destroy the ship and it's crew. The boss is the opponent ship. In level two, you must go inside a cave and explore it's treasures as well as more skeletons. The second boss is a gigantic snake. The third level contains the pirates in the rivers battling pirahnas and crabs. The third boss is a gigantic flying insect. In level four, you must sail the high seas while avoiding other pirates' ships. The fourth boss is a kraken which appears in basically every sea adventure. The final level doesn't have any actual gameplay. The pirate captain finds a sacred gem, but the skeleton pirate captain steals and eats it causing him to have strong power. He is quick and may send skeletons and ghosts at you. When you defeat him, he looks like he is dead, so you run to check him and he comes back alive and gives you a fright by opening his mouth, which changes into a purple snake's mouth and then lets out a fearsome roar. When I got there and the sub-boss formed, I jumped so hard my head hit the machine's ceiling. When you defeat the final boss, you get the sacred gem and then realize other skeleton pirate ships are around you, so you quickly sail back to adventure! I wasted forty-four tokens on it, then went to play a fishing game. After I didn't have enough tokens to play again, which meant I had one token left, I played a ticket game and got eight tickets. After that fun time in the arcade, we went to eat at Subway. I ate an Italian Sandwich, One Chocolate Chip Cookie, Half of One Raisin Cookie, and One Glass of Lemon Tea. Today was a great day, the best one I had in a long time.

New Arcade Game: Deadstorm Pirates!!!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - January 30th, 2011

I decided to list all the reviews I made in January! Here they all are!
Sonic Shorts: Volume 6 (Score: 10)
Everything By Everyone (Score: 10)
Run Away From Lava 2 (Score: 0)
Button Game X-MAS (Score: 6)
Why Don't You Get A Job (Score: 10)
Happy New Year 2011 (Score: 10)
Mario's Castle Calamity 2 (Score: 10)
No Time to Explain (Score: 10)
Dot Dot Dot- Animated (Score: 10)
My first platformers game (Score: 7)
The Fighting Game Collab (Score: 9)
Frenchy Fist Fight 2 (Score: 7)
Chaos Faction (Score: 10)
Kill Citty (Score: 0)
Walk-Smash-Walk (Score: 10)

Congratulatulations to all the flashes that got a score of 5+! You guys deserved it!
Now for the Audio Reviews!
Bad Cat [Master Version] (Score: 9)
Meta Knight's Revenge(GaMetal) (Score: 10)
DJ Frosted- Follow Your Dream (Score: 10)
Thundersocks (Score: 9)
Kirby Gourmet Race (GaMetal) (Score: 10)
Triple Gear (Score: 10)
Chris R Battle Theme (Score: 10)

Congratulations to all the audio I reviewed! You guys are great music creators! I cannot wait to hear more of your awesome songs! This month I reviewed 15 flashes and 7 audios which means in total I reviewed 22 flashes this month!