Today, I just got some new, blue glasses!!! Now my right eye is 625 degrees and my left eye is 675 degrees. Dang, I really need to stop reading chapter books and going on Newgrounds! Anyways, today I went to Church, then went to the arcade and won Deadstorm Pirates AGAIN. I also got a haircut to get ready for the school talent show and I watched Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treador which was a nice, adventurous movie. Plus I also finished reading The Lost Hero which was a wicked cool book. Anyways, if you think I'm not going on Newgrounds much, I am. I'm just barely doing news posts and I can't find some good games with medals. I AM reviewing to prepare for the Battle for the Champion Flash. If you don't know what that is flip through my news posts and you'll find it. I'm reviewing an extra amount of flashes and audio to keep you guys entertained. Anyways, see you around Newgrounds!
EDIT: YAY!!! Now I'm Level 8 on Newgrounds! Can't wait to level up some more!
I care that you're lvl 8, Though that's 3 lvl's lower than me(i'm lvl 11).