Yes!!! I finally reached my goal of 20,000 medal points! Here are some people I wanna thank: MarcyVF, CartoonWarStudios, BanglaBoy96, HadoukenDude, 53xy83457, HeRitiK, Kevin, GazSmithGames, AustinBreed, Zeebarf, jmtb02, belugerin, Stamper, Oldsage10, EJR, MikeyS9607, JackSmack, Duderuud, person333, matt-likes-swords, GPstudios, keybol, BarfQuestion, tomdeaap, apit2010, BoMToons, EON, The-Swain, ThomSip, SilverStitch, ugolegend94, Legodude2000, EdibleCastle, fortunacus, Sakupen, PaperBat, AfroNinja, wynand, Mockery, Rete, Avaloid-n-JoyBits, Badim, PrettyMuchBryce, pacdude, LorenzGames, artlogicgames, SadLittleEgg, 14hourlunchbreak, PuffBallsUnited, molkman, Psycosis91, Coolio-Niato, ForNoReason, mothballs, makopudding, eewgames, The-Super-Flash-Bros, YoinK, EcoPipe, Skeik-Sprite, scottmale24, Lochie, The-EXP, Pickilow, JAZZA, AfroNinja, kevilresol, bcdefg123, Flashsoldier, Wiesi, ShadowML-Productions, Rowkilla, CanadianJeff, Ninjadoodle, Nicholas-Deary, NegativeONE, jirachi99, JKAmovies, OzMafioso, EntropicOrder, ThinXII, TomFulp, Rooble, Luis, EpicShadow, Evil-Dog, BanglaGirl100, JackSmack, OneEgg, knarrenheinz, IndigenousDigitalist, gameonade, Eggy, CommanderWalrus, cobra0258, gamezhero, luka, Manly-Chicken, Foreverkul, RubberNinja, dessgeega
Thank you all and I will continue earning medals as well as reviewing flashes and audio. I have reviewed 100 flashes and 10 audio now!!!