Well, I really enjoyed the Newgrounds Tank Awards nominees and here are some of my predictions. Epic Battle Fantasy 3 has 90% possibility in winning and Larry and the Gnomes has 10% possiblity. WHY? Because they both have tons of adventure, fighting, and humor, with a great storyline BUT EPF3 is longer and has more strategies. The movie award has a possibility in going to Bear Bear or Katan, but Larry and Neenja were pretty awesome too. Today, I just opened Newgrounds and the awesome shiny new border just caught my eye and I gasped because I thought they released the winners earlier. Turns out they didn't yet. Talk about dissapointment. Ah well. I'm gonna play some Journey's of Reemus to pass the time. See ya!
EDIT: OMGZ!!! Only one more day until they announce the winners! I cannot wait for the winners to be announced! I'm stickking with my predictions still, but I think I might be wrong in the movie category, because I am not a huge movie fan on Newgrounds and sometimes the movies the voters pick don't deserve it. Like for instance, the fact that Chuck's New Tux beat There She Is!! in the 2008 awards. Anyways, I'm basically doing this edit because I have no idea what time/day it is in America (In case you don't know I live in China) and I want to find outhow many more hours until the announcement release. I'm SO excited!