You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 23rd, 2011

Yeah! Tonight, I've stayed up late to watch all the new flashes. Current Projects: A Book called In the Nick of Time, Reading Andrew Clements' books. This is the first Madness Day I've actually celebrated and I'm pretty glad to see it all work out in the end. Ever since I watched Madness Combat, my drawings of humans have always had no arms and basic feet. Happy Madness Day to all!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 20th, 2011

Recently, I've been reading a lot of Andrew Clements' books, so I haven't been online much. What's funny is tommorow is the International Day of Peace which is supposedly a non-violent day and then immediatly after it we'll be celebrating Madness Day which is all for violence. I'm trying to earn as much medals as possible this year. I can't wait for Madness Day to begin!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 15th, 2011

I'm having lots of poster problems. BRB
EDIT: It won't work. I've tried practically everything! You guys are just gonna have to see this lopsided image of it. Hope you like it.

Poster Problems

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 15th, 2011

I'm finished with my poster and I can't wait to submit it. Taking the advice from Turkey-on-a-stick, I'm gonna submit it to the discussion thread and post a link too. I'm probably gonna submit it tonight after dinner. Madness Day is just a week away and what is really funny is that Madness Day is on the same date as my school's "Peace Day Celebration." Today's the best day of my life! I'm gonna submit other art too. My next project is probably gonna be something for Halloween, Christmas, New Year's Day, or a random other thing with guns and swords and stuff. I could also do a nonviolent piece. Anyways, stay tuned for the poster to come in a few hours!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 14th, 2011

I just realized something. I haven't been scouted yet. How is anyone supposed to find my art piece? That makes it worthless to enter in the contest. I'm still gonna continue and finish it, but it won't count for a Madness Contest Submission. That really stinks, but I'm not gonna let that ruin Madness Day for me. I'm gonna hang my poster in my room and keep on submitting above average art pieces until I get scouted. Then, next year, I'll be ready.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 13th, 2011

I'm about 80% done with my Madness Poster. I've been working on the coloring and tracing and shading in a lot today and the end result is satisfying. The main concerns I have now is that I must shade in the entire ground, color the entire sky red, and color in the letters to the words. Hopefully, I'll finish this thing by Friday. See ya around!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 7th, 2011

I've been holding back working on my madness poster for about a week now, but today I suddenly got motivated again thanks to my old music teacher. He told me he was looking foward to seeing it published on the web for Madness Day and immediatly went madness crazy all over again. I worked I lot on the poster tonight and I'm proud to say that the sketching looks beautiful and I'm satisfyed at the end result. In my poster, there's gonna be some weapons lying around, most of the characters you love from Madness, characters dancing to a boombox, and a zombie trying to eat your brains. I'm gonna start adding in red and green and finish shading in stuff and then I'm pretty much done.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 2nd, 2011

I'm so pissed off right now! Last night, I completed Madness Hydraulic to level 39, then it was my bedtime, so I quit. It was supposed to save after every wave, but for some stupid reason, it has no memory of me completing 39 waves. Now I have to start all over again to get the game's medals which I'm not gonna do. I'm gonna go do something else now. I was doing so well, too. Stupid laptop.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - August 29th, 2011

Alright, I've only got about 25 days to complete my poster and I'm nearly done with the sketching. I sketched MagAgent: Torture, a 1337 crew member, an ATP Agent, a grunt with a lead pipe, a zombie, the hot dog vendor and a boombox. The back ground looks kind of empty, so please request something that I can put in the sky, so it isn't so blank. Honestly, this is currently my best work and I've been working hard on it. I can't wait for my first Madness Day celebration. I'm gonna go see everyone elses cool flashes. Anyways theres still a few blank areas here and there, but I'll take care of them soon enough. That's pretty much it. I'll try to submit it ASAP, but there are a few barriers like school and homework and stuff. I hope this poster is gonna turn out to be excellent, but don't expect too much since this is going to be the first art thingy I'm submitting to Newgrounds.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - August 27th, 2011

Still working on my Madness Poster. I finished drawing all of the main characters and the words for the banner at the top, the "Madness Day 2011" thing, and the famous words "Somewhere in Nevada." I think I drew The Auditor perfectly, but the rest of them weren't so wonderful. Jebus was a bit too old-looking, even though I tried everything to make him look a bit younger, he still looked pretty mature. In the end, he looked like a person actually ready to fight, not just a person holding a gun. He still needs some improvment though. The Sheriff looks absolutely boringish. Since he only ever held one weapon in his entire life, I had to make one hand empty, making him look idiotic. Tricky looked pretty good, but he had nothing super special about his appearance and Sanford looked too chubby and cute. In the end, Hank and Deimos looked the best, besides The Auditor, since they have nothing horrible about their appearance. I'm thinking about making it only a black and white drawing, but I might add in a bit of red here and there. If you have any request on what I should do, please comment. I will not accept requests for inappropriate nonsense.