Well, so I tallied the times each Newgrounds character appeared in the entries for the Newgrounds Calender Collab 2011, and I came up with the top 20 most popular characters by tallying up the times they've made an appearance. The first place award obviously goes to Pico, right? Nope, Pico's not even in second place! In first place is Tankmen with 42 appearances. In second place is Alien Hominid with 33 appearances. In third place is a tie between Dad n' Me and Pico, both with 27 appearances. In fifth place, the last of the final five, is Hank J. Wimbleton with 15 appearances. In sixth place is the Castle Crashers with 14 appearances. In seventh place is a tie between Bitey and Salad Fingers, both with 9 appearances. In ninth place is a threeway tie between Strawberry Clock, Nene, and Angry Faic, all with eight appearances. In twelfth place is a fourway tie between Darnell, Larry, Turtle (Toss the Turtle), and Meatboy, all with seven appearances. In sixteenth place is a tie between P-Bot and Satan (Leo and Satan), both with six appearances. And now, in eighteenth place with five points each are Blockhead, Dad (Sakupen), and Tricky (Madness)! It's interesting how Tricky made it into the final 20 most popular characters since he isn't as popular as hundreds of other characters, but facts are facts.
That´s pretty interesting, I would never thought that Pico woud be only on place three, thank you for making this!