Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!! I'm usually watching the movies that were nomineed in the Newgrounds Tank Awards that are for teens or everyone. I reviewed Tron Guy Legacy and asdfmovie3, which both got voted as useless. Then, I found out about C&H and started watching the series. I just bought the Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treador CD. My girlfriend finally replyed to the email I sent her for her birthday. She also told me her phone number! YES!!! So, anyways, February is going well for me. The talent show is next week and I better get prepared. Nah, I never study for anything, not even end-of-the-year tests. I'm sure I'll do just fine. I finished reading The Red Pyramid and I'm 40% done with The Lost Hero. My friends and I created a new game called Ball Brawl which is very addicting. Anyways, so, how's February going for you guys?