Hurray!!! I finally beat Chaos Faction 1 and 2!!! This means I've unlocked all achievments, stages, weapons, characters, and the 5X's Damage Mode in both games. This took me forever to do, but I finally beat them. These are all the characters in Chaos Faction: Gorilli, Eskimo, Captain Black, Sumo, Dynasty, Mechalo, Pyragma, Slimy, Commando, Tikilo, Cowboy, Mr. Smith, Biplane Man, Ninja, Vortigon, -EON-, Kesteven, and Smittia. These are all the characters in Chaos Faction 2: Zack, Dexter, Punk, Kevin, Derek, Bruce, Umbungo, Monkey, Douglas, Fox, Zombie, Gladiator, Tiger, Lion, Guardsman, Knight, Alien, Cap'n Black, Vladimir, Spectre, Scientist, Hybrid, Carbonite, Builder, Eskimo Joe, Polar Bear, Robot, Minigon, Hypergon, Dad 'n' Me, Futility, Weebl, Ragin' Brain, Salad Fingers, Bitey, Tank Man, Gorilli, Mechalo, Hominid, Awesome Face, Madness, and Vortigon. The first game had only 18 characters, but the second one had 42 characters! I cannot wait for the third game to come out! Keep up the good work EON!!!