You actually clicked my profile? Well, I'm planning on making some flashes at some point but can someone PM me on how I can make one? I would appreciate it a lot. Anyways, you can see my reviews, look at my favorites, or peek at the medals I've gotten.


Shenzhen, China

Joined on 7/26/10

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lucariopokemonsonic's News

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - June 19th, 2012

I have finally completed my first ever art submission to Newgrounds! It's not much, but it's a start, I guess. Go check it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lucariopokemo nsonic/hank-j-wimbleton-sculpture
Now back to sneaking some South Park episodes...
EDIT: I'm working on my next big thing, a sort of comic. I'm not really sure if it will be submitted or even if I have the will to actually finish it, but hopefully I will be able to get scouted after my first four submissions. Peace out!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - May 26th, 2012

Since I just got Netflix, I'm going to review some movies every week or so. This week, I saw some good (and not so good) films in this order: Megamind, Spider-Man 3, Surf's Up!, Hugo, and Shorts.
MEGAMIND: The 3D in this movie really pops out and the story, although lacking in some points, is a good mixture of Incredibles and Despicable Me. 9/10
SPIDER-MAN 3: The third installment to the spider-man series has seen thrilling action sequences and heart-stopping moments, but is overall awkward with all the new and unbalanced characters. 8.5/10
SURF'S UP!: Brilliant artwork, a basic, but impressive storyline, and some exciting moments make this a great penguin movie for children. 9.5/10
HUGO: Wonderful and spectacular storyline and great acting, even if some strange unnecessary moments pop up occasionally. 9.5/10
SHORTS: A bad idea for anyone above ten, Shorts has good imagination and good characters, but is an overall cheesy experience that you won't want to watch again. 8/10

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 29th, 2012

Looks like I'm on a medal frenzy. Earning more and more medals like a pro. I'm 80% finished with my goal to reach 50,000 medal points and I'm having a fun time doing it too. Anyways, gotta get back to unlocking those pesky achievments. See ya guys soon!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 12th, 2012

"Is this truly the best game Newgrounds has to offer?"
Who never wanted to know if Alien Hominid could destroy Pico in a fight? NegativeONE delivers a game with an amazing amount of content. With five different modes, thirteen different characters, and two handful of unlockables, this game is a ton of fun. Mindchamber really put effort in making the game look the best it could as every bit of the game look gorgeous. The sound is amazing too. Hearing knives slash across a platform has never pleased my ears this much. The soundtrack fits to the setting although I do wish the Training Arena could have some music. The character roster is spectacularily balanced. Want someone with strong attacks? Nene is your girl. How about someone with high health? Fancy Pants might be your chosen one. There are a fair amount of secrets that will keep you busy in case that's your thing. There is a decent amount of humour involved even though some grammer issues might occur. In story mode, you play as every main character in four different acts each. Though it is a quick way to earn some grounds gold, it is not the best experience. Challenges are a test of your skill and Survival Mode can be a time-passing mode. Though you can spend quite a long time in these modes, Versus Mode is the one you'll spend the most time on. With the ability to play with four players (you'll need two keyboards), this is truly a multiplayer experience. The game allows you to change its difficulty, the camera, controls, and quality the game runs on, which I'm grateful for. In a way, Newgrounds Rumble is one of the best games on Newgrounds. Nah, forget what I just said. It is defiinately THE best game on Newgrounds. So, yeah. Play this game, it challenges even Brawl with its engrossing gameplay, impressing visuals, and three-hour solo play and you'll always come back for the multiplayer experience.
Overall Score: 9.5/10 "Amazing"


Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - February 9th, 2012

The redesign looks AWESOME. Now Newgrounds is running better than ever with smoother running flash, better control schemes, and easier accesability. I played Ching Chong Beautiful for about an hour and I never ran into any problems, except for those continuously falling and teleporting tricks that you can easily avoid by turning down the background quality. Fair enough, the new wall art is amazing and basically every single thing on Newgrounds is improved for the better and my only complaint so far is the medals page. Originally it was pretty slow, but now it is the most lagging thing on the entire site and that sucks because I enjoy going back through my medals and trying to earn new ones. It is improving by date, but I hope this bug is 100% squashed by the end of the month. Overall, Newgrounds is now nearly perfect with every request you can imagine on the site being added. The medals page is slower than ever, but that's my only main complaint. Great work guys! Three years of hard work has brought the greatest thing ever in internet history (at least to me).

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - October 9th, 2011

Hey guys. The flash showdown Round 1 is almost coming to a close. Just need to find 12 more nominees and tally up the scores. I've already started tallying them up and here are the games that will move on to Round 2 from best to worst:
The King's League by: kurechii
Thelemite by: Sosker
Redshift by: Weasel
This Bunny Kills 4: FUN by: 2games
Cactus McCoy 2 by: Flipline Studios
Binding of Isaac DEMO by: Bluebaby
Fear is Vigilance by: randomninen
Blueshift by: Weasel
Retiring Day by: SnailsAnimation
This Bunny Kills by: 2games
Coinbox Hero by: jmtb02
Madness Lunacy by: Spudzy
Guild Dungeons by: Hyptosis
Thing-Thing 3 by: Weasel
QWERTY Warriors 2 by: Weasel
Thing-Thing 4 by: Weasel
Captain Fugly by: dabrorius
Thing-Thing by: Weasel
Thing-Thing 2 by: Weasel
Stinky Bean by: Weasel
Endless Zombie Rampage by: Weasel
Fling a Thing by: bigbluebubble
This Bunny Kills Again by: cyb3rg0d
Fern-Splapp no Owari by: MikeyS9607
Thing-Thing Arena by: Weasel
Thing-Thing Arena 2 by: Weasel
Thing-Thing Arena 3 by: Weasel
QWERTY Warriors by: Weasel
Now I know what some people will start saying. How it isn't fair that some authors got multiple accepted submissions [Weasel]. Don't worry, since I'll make it all fair in Round 2. Note that there are still 12 more submissions so there could be more entries. By the way, if you have no idea what this is all about, go to some of my older news posts and read the "Flash Showdown" post. I'm currently very busy going on Neopets so I won't be on often. See ya guys later.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - October 5th, 2011

Hey guys, I'm back with 25 more nominees. If this is your first time here check out some of my older news posts and you'll probably undersatnd. Anyway, here are 25 more nominees for Flash Showdown:
Miss.Dynamite 10th B-day by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite Halloween by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite xmas card01 by: Sirkowski
MssDynamitevsTerriSchiavo by: Sirkowski
Guild Dungeons by: Hyptosis
Unchained A by: TeamXHawk
Thing-Thing by: Weasel
Thing-Thing 2 by: Weasel
Redshift by: Weasel
Thing-Thing 3 by: Weasel
The Madman by: Elfman-Rox
50 Optical Illusions by: thies
Funky Stick Fight by; hikuihito
Funky Stick Fight 2 by: hikuihito
Blueshift by: Weasel
Thing-Thing Arena by: Weasel
Thing-Thing Arena 2 by: Weasel
Thing-Thing Arena 3 by: Weasel
Stinky Bean by: Weasel
Avoid Posidon's Wrath by: Wasson
QWERTY Warriors by: Weasel
Bitshift by: Weasel
QWERTY Warriors 2 by: Weasel
Manga Mario by: Weasel
Scatmonkey Revolutions by: Weasel
Only 25 more nominees and I'm gonna start eliminating some. It's been barely a week and we're already so far into the nominees and we still have until January 3rd. I'll probably have to post a limit or an earlier deadline.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - October 2nd, 2011

Here are 25 more nominees:
Captain Fugly by: dabrorius
Fern- Splapp no Owari by: MikeyS9607
Madness Day Quiz by: Flash-Kid-2007
Funky Stick Fight 3 by: hikuihito
Miss.Dynamite I to V by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite VI Swimsuit by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite Kiss Doll by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite VII by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite VIII by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite IX by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite X by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XI by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XII by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XIII by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XIV by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XV by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XVI by: Sirkowski
Miss.Dynamite XVII by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XVIII by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XIX by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XX by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XXI by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XXII iraq by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite XXIII gdh by: Sirkowski
Miss Dynamite 24 by: Sirkowski
As you can see, I've just found the Miss Dynamite series and watched all the episodes. There's more nominees on the way, so stay tuned!

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - October 1st, 2011

Hi Everyone! Currently, 25 flashes have been nominated and I've decided to explain the rules for the Flash Showdown contest.
1. The flashes nominated do not have to be from the current year. It could be 5 years back and still be nominated. It all depends on if I've played/watched it or not in a certain time period.
2. Sometimes, important games will not be nominated since I've watched it before or after the selected time period.
3. The categories you could win are 1st-5th place, Best Audio, Best Art, and top 5 worst flashes. That's 12 whopping winners!
Those are the basic rules. Last year's winner was There She Is!! final step with the runner up being The Impossible Quiz. The current nominees are:
Fear is Vigilance by: randomninen
Madness: Ascend by: Pegosho
Falling With Grace by: Doodley
Madness Heist by: MOC-Productions
Paper Mario Madness by: Alpha-Nuva
[MD2011] The Magician by: ninjaco
Madness Trollification by: GrudgyGrunt
Madness Neutralization by: Sunshaft
Tootsie Roll Pop by: Crazymonkey154
Armor Robot War by: freegameswow
Joke On Teacher by: freegameswow
Matching Madness by: Shargon
The King's League by: kurechii
My Favorite reviews (BB) by: BanglaBoy96
Madness Ultimatum by: Drifts
NG Poster Collab by: JKAmovies
Pico Day'09 Art Collab by: Xaotik
Pussy Game by: GoshaDole
Coinbox Hero by: jmtb02
Madness Lunacy by: Spudzy
Sketch Quest by: teamsteampipe
-NInt3ndo Art Collab- by: JKAmovies
Professor Madness by: SimiyonkE
The Guy With The Face by: Wronchi
Thelemite by: Sosker
As you can all probably see, sadly, Crystal Story was not included in the nominess. :( If you're gonna ask why, go back to the beginning rules and read it over again. If you still don't understand, ask your baby sibling. If you don't have one, get a life.

Posted by lucariopokemonsonic - September 27th, 2011

Starting from today, I'm gonna make a list of all the flashes I've played or watched. On January 3rd, I'll battle them all out for the "best flash" along with honorable mentions and semiawards. Let the battle begin!